Impact of Campus Budget Cuts on OACU
Campus Update: July 2017
In response to campus budget reductions required to eliminate the deficit at UC Berkeley that the Office of the President has stipulated, the Office for Animal Care and Use (OACU) has reduced the number of administrative staff processing protocols by 25% (i.e. 1.0 FTE).
The loss of OACU personnel will require changes in OACU’s service model. The following information is provided to help the campus both understand and adjust to these changes.
Protocol Processing
Protocol submissions, specifically amendments, will no longer be triaged daily but will be batched weekly. This will slow the administrative review process for funding to be released and/or for new staff to join labs.
Education and Outreach
Education and outreach activities will be reduced and/or eliminated.
In-Person Assistance from OACU
In-person assistance from OACU will be primarily directed to new faculty to help them get started with eProtocol and to introduce them to the animal care and use program.
eProtocol Development
Updates, revisions, and improvements to the eProtocol software for protocol submissions and review will be delayed as will guidance documents and standard operating procedures (SOPs).