Policies and Guidelines


In order to ensure consistency and quality in the conduct of an organization’s people and activities, policies are not only established to provide limits for certain activities, but also to explain why those restrictions exist for those particular activities. Because federal, state or institutional regulations and guidance documents are the primary reason for any limitations on an activity, these documents should be strictly adhered to; however, the interpretation of the more general policies can allow some flexibility in the actions of the applicable parties.

Topics Policies Last Revised
General Animal Care and Use Program 11/15/2024
Animal Occupational Health and Safety Program 1/15/2025
Media Recordings of Institutionally Owned Animals 8/5/2024
Principal Investigator Responsibilities 9/11/2024
Record Retention 5/8/2024
Reporting Adverse or Unexpected Events Affecting Animal Welfare 10/5/2023
ACUC Functions IACUC Membership 12/13/2024
Policy on Protocol Review 12/23/2024
Post-Approval Monitoring Policy 3/9/2022
Site Inspections 1/7/2025
Training and Education 11/26/2024
Special Considerations and Exceptions Fasting Animals, Special/Regulated Diets/Water/Housing Policy 11/1/2024
Multiple Partial Ovariectomies in Xenopus (MPOX) 3/13/2024
Introduction of Biologicals and Compounds Testing Biologicals Used in Laboratory Rodents 2/12/2020
Use of Non-Pharmaceutical Grade Compounds 12/16/2024
Animal Facilities Admission of Visitors to Animal Facilities 5/3/2024
Food and/or Beverage in Animal Facilities Policy 5/8/2024
Other Change in Animal Ownership for Research Purposes 11/21/2024
Animal Adoption 4/24/2024


Guidelines provide specific advice on how to go about completing an activity, acceptable methods to remain compliant with regulations, or even what to expect during institution’s mandated activities. The overarching purpose of guidelines is to clarify how policies are implemented.

Topics Guidelines Last Revised
General Reporting Suspected Deficiencies in Animal Care or Treatment 11/25/2024
Writing the Animal Use Protocol Assigning Pain and Distress Categories to ACUC Protocols 4/8/2021
Justification of Animal Numbers 11/20/2024
Literature Searches for Alternatives 12/11/2024
Common Procedures Antemortem Tissue Collection for Genotyping/Identification 6/1/2017
Blood Collection Techniques and Limits 1/12/2023
Dosing Techniques and Limits 10/12/2016
Guidelines for the Production of Antibodies in Laboratory Animals 1/6/2014
Guidelines for the Use of Rodents in Experimental Neoplasia 6/14/2017
Physical Restraint of Unanesthetized Animals 10/23/2013
Surgery Guidelines for Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals 8/2021
Recordkeeping Guidelines for Surgical Procedures on Laboratory Animals 11/20/2015
Surgical Procedures 5/14/2024
Use of Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs in Anesthetized Animals 10/24/2013
Animal Transportation Acclimation and Stabilization Guidelines 9/14/2016
Animal Transportation 11/1/2024
Animal Housing and Breeding Aquatic Frog Housing 7/11/2018
Cage Card Notification System Guidelines 3/15/2021
Environmental Enrichment 1/8/2025
Guidance on Exceptions Regarding Housing or Husbandry of Laboratory Animals 7/1/2019
Mouse Cage Density Guidelines 11/2/2023
Rat Housing Guidelines 12/14/2016
Euthanasia Euthanasia Guidelines 4/9/2024
Guidelines for Humane Endpoints in Animal Studies 10/29/2018
Guillotine Use and Maintenance 11/20/2015