Are You New to UC Berkeley?
Because initiating animal research at the University of California (UC), Berkeley can feel overwhelming as a new investigator coming to campus, the information below provides basic information of where to start the process.
The first steps to using animals in research or classes are:
- Contact both the Office of Laboratory Animal Care (OLAC) and the Office of Animal Care and Use (OACU) to let us know that you are here!
- Submit an Animal Use Protocol (AUP)
- Obtain approval by the Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC).
Before submitting your AUP
Discuss the following with the Office of Laboratory Animal Care (OLAC) veterinarians:
- Your procedures and projects using animals
- Animal acquisition, purchase, transport and quarantine procedures
- Availability of housing and procedure space
- Access to the animal facilities
Contact the Office of Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) to:
- Review use of hazardous agents, chemicals, toxic gasses, controlled substances, radioisotopes, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation-producing sources/machines, lasers, etc. in your animal research.
- Complete and submit the appropriate forms, e.g., Biological Use Authorizations (BUAs), Radiation Use Authorization (RUAs) (required prior to ACUC approval).
- Obtain approval by the appropriate EH&S committees or safety specialists to use specific drugs, chemicals, radioisotopes, radiation-producing machines, lasers, etc.
- Learn about laboratory safety and training requirements. Find out about laboratory safety requirements and training.
Contact the Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO) Committee:
- If you plan to use human embryonic or adult stem cells
- Submit a Stem Cell Research Protocol application and obtain SCRO Committee approval prior to initiating any human embryonic or adult stem cell research.
Preparing your AUP
- All UCB ACUC protocols are submitted electronically through eProtocol.
- To find out more about submitting an AUP in eProtocol, visit the ACUC eProtocol Instructions.
- Visit the ACUC website to view UC Berkeley’s animal policies and guidelines, understand the review process, download eProtocol Quick Guides for Investigators, and view the submission deadline calendar.
If you have any questions on how to complete and submit the AUP in
- Look on the ACUC website for eProtocol Quick Guides for Investigators and eProtocol FAQs
- Contact the Office for Animal Care and Use (OACU) IACUC Administrator
- See if you can look at approved AUPs of established colleagues in your department
If you are teaching a class involving animals
- Request a copy of the Ethics in Animal Research presentation and the handout outlining health and safety information when working with animals for your students
All individuals listed on an AUP are required to complete:
- The appropriate, online Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) course(s)
- The Occupational Health Surveillance System (NOTE: You will need a CalNet ID to complete the OHSS. For assistance on getting your ID, please contact the People & Culture Department)
- Be prepared to complete procedure-specific training if requested by the ACUC (NOTE: Personnel performing surgery, anesthesia, euthanasia must be certified by OLAC veterinary staff prior to conducting procedures independently)
- Submit your AUP via the online eProtocol system by the appropriate submission deadline
- Answer the reviewers’ and/or committee’s questions
- Once approved, you will receive the approval letter from the ACUC/OACU
After your AUP is approved by the ACUC
- Request ACUC inspection of your space
- Remember: No changes in funding, animal numbers, species, personnel or animal use procedures may be made without prior review and approval by the ACUC. Proposed changes must be submitted in the form of an amendment to your protocol and be approved by the ACUC before being undertaken.
Please download our Quick Guide to Animal Research for basic information about the relevant offices and services that are available on campus to help you in your research!